Sarah Goldberg Net Worth 2022

Sarah Goldberg is a famous and talented Canadian actress. He is famous for the role of Betsey/Lindsey in the production of the Royal Court Theater in Clybourne Park. Thanks to this section he was nominated for the Oliver Award and the opportunity to join the Broadway company.

In addition to his talent to act in theater, he also has a role in television series such as Hindsight and Barry. Also, Sarah played in the film The Dark Knight. Stay here and find information about his life and professional career.

Early Life

Sarah Goldberg was born on May 31, 1985, in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada. His mother’s name is Judy Goldberg, and his father’s name is unknown. His nationality is a Canadian, and the zodiac sign is Gemini.

From the teenager, Sarah was interested in acting, and therefore, she left Canada and moved to London, to pursue her dreams. Goldberg auditioned for the role of Julliard, but he was rejected.

Professional Career

After seven years of living in London, Sarah finally found her place in the acting sky. He got an important role from Betsey and Lindsey in Bruce Norris’s game. In the first part of the drama, he acted devoted, Deaf Bethsey, and in the second part, she was Lindsey, a modern woman in America. For this role, Goldberg was nominated for Oliver awards and more recognition.

Apart from Clybourne Park, Sarah also has more projects in the London Theater such as Apologia, then Miss Lily is reinforced, and six degrees of separation. He appeared in New York Broadway when he got the role of Alison Porter in the game of Sam Golds. Sarah has a part in the Hindsight and Berry series and The Dark Knight film. From 2018, you can see Sarah in the film The Hummingbird Project, where she acts together with Salma Hayek.

Personal Life

Sarah likes to maintain her love life as a secret. It is known that he used to date a actor John Light when they worked together. After that, the couple broke up, and the reason was unknown.

After that relationship, Sarah did not reveal the facts about her love life, even though fans wanted to know about it.

Sarah Goldberg Net Worth 2022

Considering the facts of how successful Sarah, sure she got a lot of money. Sarah’s net worth is estimated at $ 5 million, and we believe the number will be higher when the actress is young and talented.

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