Roxette Arisa Howe Net Worth 2022

Roxette Arisa Howe Net Worth 2022

Roxette Arisa Howe is an ordinary girl who likes makeup and fashion. He began to share his desires with the Youtube Society in October 2011. With makeup skills, extraordinary taste for fashion and natural beauty, he got 1 million customers.

Roxette also posted product reviews and travel vlogs and is a member of the famous YouTube star list.


Roxette is still very young, but he is already quite famous. He was born on December 6, 1993 in Los Angeles, California, in the US.

The first video he posted on Youtube was called “Fall Makeup Trends” in October 2011. After that, Howe continued to upload other makeup tutorials, travel vlogs, product reviews, and beauty tips.

Popularity arrives with a video titled “Perfect Alebrows in 3 Steps – Eyebrow Tutorials for Beginners | Roxette Arisa “which gets almost 3 million displays.

Glamorous style, a large collection of makeup products and following the latest trends is what Roxette gave their fans once or twice a week.

Roxette Arisa Howe Net Worth 2022

Like all YouTuber, Roxette got most of the money from post, advertisements and products that were promoted.

At present, Roxette Arisa Howe has a total net worth of above $ 300,000- $ 400,000.

The annual income is around $ 5,700- $ 91,600.

Private life

Howe did not share information about his parents, but it was known that he was included in the Caucasian ethnicity.

His sister Spencer appeared in several Roxette videos. One of the most interested is “My brother made a makeup with Akira Sah” uploaded in November 2014.

He was in a happy relationship, but he did not express details about him. However, he has appeared in several videos and the couple seems to be in love.

Social Media Profile

In addition to YouTube where he collected around 1 million customers, Roxette Arisa Howe was also popular on Instagram and Twitter.

He has more than 20,000 followers on his Twitter account and more than 267,000 followers on his official Instagram account.

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