Ed Mylett Net Worth 2022

Ed Mylett is a speaker and businessman who is famous in the world. With his public speech, he tried to bring the best from people. His assets landed him as the richest 50 in America under the age of 50 years.

Want to know more deeply? Keep reading.

About Ed Mylett

From someone who wants to become a baseball player, Ed Mylett has become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. He currently works as the Director of Field Leadership at WFG, a financial planning company. With one of the biggest financial organizations in America, it has been created as a business personality with the fastest growth in social media history.

Through Arete Syndicate, the company along with Andy Frisella, he continued to appoint enthusiastic entrepreneurs throughout the world. He has given a good insight about his experience in his best -selling book “Maxout with Ed Mylett” which he launched in 2018.

Early Life And Family

Ed Mylett was born on April 27 in 1971 in Diamond Bar, California. He finished his secondary school at Diamond Bar High School. Even though his engineer’s father was an alcohol addict, he always considered it as an inspiration about how to live a successful life.

He then won the Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Pacific, Stockton. He is a baseball player who is eager to NCAA Division I Pacific Tigers. He wanted to be a baseball player before a big injury made him unable to continue the baseball career. In depression, his father got a job at the McKinley Group of Boys where he worked to advise boys who were less able. Working for years, made him know his inner gift to help people.

Ed married Kristianna Mylett’s high school lover in 1997. They were blessed with two children, Max and Bella.

His Career And Major Milestones

  • He has three All-American nominations from his collegiate career. He also ranked among the top ten players of all time in five different categories.
  • Having worked small businesses and part-time jobs for years, Ed joined World Financial Group (WFG) in 1992.
  • He quickly escalated professional ladders, becoming WFG’s CEO Marketing Director in only a few years.
  • He was promoted in WFG various times till he rose to become Senior Executive Vice Chairman.
  • He was appointed to the post of Chairman’s Council member and the Director of Field Leadership at WFG in 2009.
  • In 2017 Ed came to social media. He has over 2.2M followers on Instagram and over 495K subscribers on YouTube. He hosts interviews with other influential people talking about their experiences and views on careers and lifestyles.

Net Worth

ED net worth of around $ 400 million. The podcast, the WFG post, and YouTube channels bring a lot of income. He has three houses, including his laguna beach house. In addition, he is also the owner of three jet and several luxury cars that include Ferrari.

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