Paul Schaffer Net Worth 

Paul Schaffer Net Worth 

Paul Shaffer was born in 1949 November 28 in Ontario City (precisely in Thunder Bay) and he is basically famous for his direction in music, leaders in bands, comedians, and to host the talking event. His role as a Talk Show host in entertaining guests when he saw him produced several albums for his credit and also helped others in their efforts.

Paul Shafffer’s music career began at a soft age, while he was still a man he learned how to play classic piano and he then formed “Beatles and” Neil Young and joined the rock band. As a young work, music is not his first choice considering the fact that he will join his father’s company if he has studied law. But during his studies at the University of Toronto, he could not delete music even you he learned psychology at that time.

Immediately after graduating Paul Shaffer moved to music and was appointed as a director in music in 1972 at Godspell A Production in Toronto. He immediately started doing advertisements, free styles, commercial jingles and other works including radio works. Shafffer’s popularity increased after he was chosen as a music director in 1982 for SNL with David Letterman and also the head of one of the most charming bands.

In the early 90s, Shafffer debuted his first music album and performed several top talents, two years after his first album was released, he and the Letterman moved to CBS but immediately after Shafffer had some legal difficulties and he was forced to modify the name of The Name of Band to CBS Orchestra. Paul Shaffer’s involvement with music for many years has caused an estimated net worth of $ 30 million.



  • Canadian-American

Date of Birth

  • 28th November 1949

Place of Birth

  • Thunder Bay, Canada


  • 70


  • Singer



  • 165 cm


  • Cathy Vassapoli

Net Worth

  • $30 million

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