Nelson Mandela Net Worth

Nelson Mandela Net Worth

Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 July 18 and died in 2013 December 5 to the Royal Family of “Thembu”. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law from the University of Forthre and Witwatersrand. Nelson Mandela lives in Johannesburg and is involved with anti-colonial politics and joins an ANC where he is a member of his young league who is recognized.

Nelson is an anti-apartheid, generous and politician revolutionary in South Africa. He later became President of South Africa in 1994 and served until 1999. Nelson Mandela became the first Democratic president and the head of the black executive in the history of the South African government. The regime is one that is centered on the elimination of apartheid by eliminating institutional racism and managing racial equality.

Nelson became President of the ANC (African National Congress) in 1991 and served until 1997. His personality was well interpreted as someone who was at a democratic level was a socialist and while politically he was more than an African nationalist. He served as Sec. General Nam (Non-Connecting Movement) for one year (1998-1999).



  • South Africa

Date of Birth

  • 18th July 1918

Place of Birth

  • Mveso, South Africa


  • 18th July 1918 – December 5 2013


  • Politician


  • 102 kg


  • 193 cm


  • Evelyn Ntoko Mase (1944-1957)
  • Winnie Madikizela (1958-1996)
  • Graca Machel (1998-2013)

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