Ava Max Net Worth 2022

Ava Max Net Worth 2022

You may have heard the interesting song “Sweet But Psycho”, but do you know some facts about the singer? Ava Max gained popularity after the third single, “Sweet But Psycho”, even though he appeared on the song Le Youth “Clap Your Hands”.


Ava’s full name is Amanda Ava Koci and he was born in Wisconsin, United States on February 16, 1993. His parents are Albanian immigrants and Ava are Americans but belong to Albanian ethnicity.

Not much is known about previous education.

Love life

Ava Max consistently tried to protect his personal life, including the life of love, far from the spotlight. He hasn’t revealed anything about him dating someone. He is active on the social media where he shares photos with his friends and family.

Ava Max Net Worth 2022

Because he got so much attention after a successful single, he got a lot of money. In 2022, the estimated net worth of Ava Max was $ 600 thousand. The main source of income comes from a singing career and many people compare him with Sia and Lady Gaga.

Some parts of his income came from his YouTube channel where he had more than 4.6 million customers. With the most successful single, he created a completely new trend and we could not wait to hear more about it.

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