Defense Department forms new UFO task force amid national security concerns

Defense Department forms new UFO task force amid national security concerns

 The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has declared the arrangement of another team that will follow UFO reports from around the country. The new Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) is portrayed as a replacement to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), a gathering shaped inside the US Navy.

New UFO task force

 The DoD declared its new AOIMSG team on Tuesday, November 23, expressing that it was set up in a joint effort with the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). AOIMSG will be entrusted with synchronizing the US government’s endeavors to distinguish unidentified airborne peculiarities (UAPs), beforehand and all the more prevalently known as UFOs.

The new team will similarly attempt to investigate and, if fundamental, alleviate any dangers presented by these UAPs, essentially with regards to public safety and flights, especially in situations where the items are seen in Special Use Airspace (SUA).

June UAP report

 Following quite a while of pausing, the US knowledge local area made its nine-page “UFO report” accessible to people in general — however, it’s critical to take note of, a grouped variant of the record was secretly introduced to individuals from Congress, the subtleties of which stay obscure.

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